RIME (小狼毫) will then update itself (⧗ 維護中) with your new settings. Click 【中】 again to confirm RIME’s appearance. Click 【中】 to apply the language changes.
(Alternatively, you can have multiple RIME input modes, switching between them using. It has no affect on what language RIME actually uses.) (Ignore RIME's language description in this menu. (The latest windows-sfx exe from Rime-Cantonese.) I want to install RIME bundled with Cantonese. How to use RIME to type Cantonese in Windows 10: However, it can sometimes fail to install for some versions of Windows. It’s open source and usually more reliable than other IMEs.
Both are free and have support for older versions of Windows. The two most popular programs for typing Cantonese in Windows 10 are RIME and CPIME.